Vintage Matters Launch
Holiday over, it was full speed ahead for the online launch of Vintage Matters on 1st October, coinciding with our first pop up event at West Elm London! With all the various components now available for our branding, we were finally able to share it. We’re pretty proud of how it looks!
Next job was preparing the A-board! We love playing with our logo on different materials and getting it applied with different methods. We think this bit of laser cutting into ply experiment worked really well.
For extra visibility we had our logo made into a large adhesive decal, in copper foil. Much patience and skill were needed to get this in place – well done, Tom! We love our logo but whilst putting this up, all the little lines around the edge tested that love, that’s for sure.
Finally, we were able to vm (visual merchandise) our products on our authentic vintage German beer table and benches, utilising some of our vintage suitcases and toolboxes to help with the display.

We had some great feedback from passers by in the street, who loved our windows and ventured into West Elm, where they do not normally shop, to see what was going on.
Our giant wall maps were especially popular!
The windows looked pretty special at night too, with our illuminated letters.

Thanks to everyone for your support and thanks West Elm for hosting us! Due to the fantastic response we’ll be back at West Elm 10th – 13th December with some new collections. In the meantime check out our products online and we’ll keep you informed of when we release our new collections.
Happy shopping!