Vintage Matters Journey – Our First Photoshoot!
Lots still to be done before the shoot could start though, so the team spent a couple of days sanding, cleaning, washing, oiling and waxing and generally bringing our vintage finds back to life with some much needed TLC. Lots of builders tea was consumed to keep us going!
It’s really rewarding, putting all the effort into making a dull, often dirty item, look as good as new and discovering a manufacturers name or mark and researching into the provenance or authenticity of a piece.
Pepper the dog wanted to get involved, wherever she could!
We are really into the detail on a product and will be making this a feature on our site, whether it be a classic mortice & tenon joint made by a craftsman years ago, or a piece of great hardware, or an amazing piece of typography or backstamp. Take a look at these!

We are excited to be getting there, slowly but surely, with lots more still to do. Watch this space for our online launch date, which will be announced soon!
Bye for now.